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Virtual Directories, Subdomains, and Friendly URLs

Virtual directories are a great way to make your pages easier to access and their URL's easier to remember. This article also provides information on sub domains and friendly URL's.

Virtual Directories

A virtual directory is basically an easier address for people remember and enter to access a specific page. It replaces a long page URL with something simpler like /photos or /youthpage. For example, not very many people will be able to remember domain.com/pages.asp?pageid=84125, but they will be able to remember domain.com/photos. If you are interested in setting up virtual directories for any of your pages, please contact our support department.

Sub domains

You can also add sub domains for your pages just like virtual directories. Rather than having domain.com/pages.asp?pageid=84125 or domain.com/photos you can have photos.domain.com. If you are interested in this option you can contact our support department with your request.

Friendly URLs

Another tool that is available through the CMS in the ability to make all of the URL's search-engine friendly. This will change the URL's of all of your pages so that they do not contain characters that are not valid in search engines like question marks. To do this, access the Technical Settings area of the CMS Hosting Manager. On this screen there is an option labeled “Enable SEO-Friendly Links;” set this to “Yes.”

Version 1.1 • Last Updated 5/16/2014 8:26:34 AM

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