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Publishing your Media Feed/ Published Folder

To make your media viewable on your site, you must publish a Media Feed or Published Folder.

Step 1:
Access Media Manager> Media Players> Create A New Media Player.

Step 2:
Give the player a name, select the Media Feed (MF) or Published Folder (PF) that will be displayed and choose the type of player you would like to use. You'll have a few options for the player type, select the one that you believe will work best for your site. When finished setting your options, click Save Media Player. Please keep in mind that you will be able to edit your settings later.

Step 3:
You should now see a preview of the player. If it appears correctly with the files from your feed or folder, click Get Embed Code.

Step 4:
On this screen, you should see a few different types of code for embedding your player. Copy the CMS Macro Embed Code. This code can be used to display the player on any page of your site. Simply paste the embed code onto the content editor of your pages in the Content Manager and save the page. When view on the site, the player will display in it place of the code.

Version 1.8 • Last Updated 1/14/2014 9:48:04 AM

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